August 16, 2009

Snoring causes insomnia too..

Recently, i've been put to bed with my 10 year old brother..he is a heavy snorer while im really bothered..sometimes he reduce me to tears.coz I CAN'T SLEEP!!! i tried all the ways to make him stop like pressing his nose, blocking his nostrils, put a pillow on top of his chubby face or even side kicked him..all these efforts are just wasting another minute of my sleep.nevertheless, i just couldn't bother more.and rest of the times i justcount i was detered to make a discovery on my own; to find out what SNORING is all about...
well, i've encyclopedia-ed, and guess what snoring can be caused by lots of shits man..and i can't be listing them all, just the one probably my brother is facing which is FATS gathering in and around the throat(HAHAHA),which somehow blocks the passage to smooth flowing of air in the mouth and nose...i don see you've even got a neck my brother,the truth may be unpleasant but just helpless to say that my brother is quite plump if you would excuse me. but thats not the issue here..i am FAT too!!

ok, enough to be told. the facts speak for themselves better.
1)Alcohol makes snoring worse but i'm lucky that i do not have to go through it..
2)Obessed or overweight ppl tends to snore more but i'm an average size ppl:)
3)Sleeping on the back increase the chance of snoring..that is why in Burning Flame 3, the first aiders always turn injured ppl around to rest sideways, to improve air flow..:) watch more tvb peeps.
4)Older ppl and smokers are twice as likely to snore.or maybe older smokers..check that out

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